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Thursday, 31 August 2017

IIST - 3rd Year - Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)



UNIT 1: Overview of Object Oriented concepts Overview of Object Oriented concepts: Objects and classes, abstraction, generalization and inheritance, encapsulation, multiple inheritance, aggregation abstraction classes, polymorphism, link and association, Need for object oriented approach.
UNIT 2: Object Modeling Technique System design life cycle, object oriented S/W development process model, Object Oriented Analysis, Object Modeling Technique (OMT): object model, function model, relationship among models, object diagrams, state diagrams, data flow diagrams, analysis.
UNIT 3: Object oriented Design Object oriented Design: Overview of object design, Combination the models, Designing algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment, Design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting design decision, comparison of use-case driven approach.
UNIT 4: Translation Object Oriented design into implementation Translation Object Oriented design into implementation, Programming style, documentation, characterization of object oriented languages, Comparison of object oriented language like C++, JAVA, object programming.
UNIT 5: Unified Modeling Language Unified Modeling Language (UML): Class diagram sequence diagram Use case diagram, Collaboration, diagram, state, chart diagram, Activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, Object oriented Database: Relational Vs .object oriented database, the architecture of object oriented database, query language for Object Oriented database.


  1. Assignment 1 (by Arpit Jain)
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IIST - 3rd Year - Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)

UNIT 1: Overview of Object Oriented concepts Overview of Object Oriented concepts: Objects and classes, abstraction, generalization and inheritance, encapsulation, multiple inheritance, aggregation abstraction classes, polymorphism, link and association, Need for object oriented approach.
UNIT 2: Object Modeling Technique System design life cycle, object oriented S/W development process model, Object Oriented Analysis, Object Modeling Technique (OMT): object model, function model, relationship among models, object diagrams, state diagrams, data flow diagrams, analysis.
UNIT 3: Object oriented Design Object oriented Design: Overview of object design, Combination the models, Designing algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment, Design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting design decision, comparison of use-case driven approach.
UNIT 4: Translation Object Oriented design into implementation Translation Object Oriented design into implementation, Programming style, documentation, characterization of object oriented languages, Comparison of object oriented language like C++, JAVA, object programming.
UNIT 5: Unified Modeling Language Unified Modeling Language (UML): Class diagram sequence diagram Use case diagram, Collaboration, diagram, state, chart diagram, Activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, Object oriented Database: Relational Vs .object oriented database, the architecture of object oriented database, query language for Object Oriented database.


  1. Assignment 1 (by Arpit Jain)
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Tuesday, 8 August 2017

IIST - 2nd Year - Digital Circuit and Design



UNIT 1: Number systems & codes Number systems & codes, Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra and switching function. Minimization of switching function, Concept of prime implicant, Karnaugh map method, Quine McCluskey’s method,Cases with don’t care terms, Multiple output switching function.
UNIT 2: Introduction to logic gates Introduction to logic gates, Universal gate, Half adder,Half subtractor, Full adder, Full subtractor circuits, Series & parallel addition, BCD adders, Look-ahead carry generator.
UNIT 3: Linear wave shaping circuits Linear wave shaping circuits, Bistable, Monostable & Astable multivibrator, Schmitt Trigger circuits & Schmitt-Nand gates. Logic families:RTL, DTL, All types of TTL circuits, ECL, I2L, PMOS, NMOS, & CMOS logic, Gated flip- flops and gated multivibrator, Interfacing between TTL to MOS.
UNIT 4: Encoders, Decoders Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Introduction to various semiconductor memories, & designing with ROM and PLA. Introduction to Shift Registers, Counters, Synchronous & Asynchronous counters, Designing of combinational circuits like code converters.
UNIT 5: Introduction to converters Introduction of Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog converters, sample & hold circuits and V-F converters.


  1. To study and test of operation of all logic gates for various IC's.
  2. Verification of Demorgan's theorm.
  3. To construct of half adder and full adder.
  4. To construct of half subtractor and full subtractor.
  5. Verification of versatility of NAND gate.
  6. Verification of versatility of NOR gate.
  7. Designing and verification of property of full adder.
  8. Design A BCD to excess-3 code conveter.
  9. Design a Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.
  10. Design of counters.
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IIST - 2nd Year - Digital Circuit and Design

UNIT 1: Number systems & codes Number systems & codes, Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra and switching function. Minimization of switching function, Concept of prime implicant, Karnaugh map method, Quine McCluskey’s method,Cases with don’t care terms, Multiple output switching function.
UNIT 2: Introduction to logic gates Introduction to logic gates, Universal gate, Half adder,Half subtractor, Full adder, Full subtractor circuits, Series & parallel addition, BCD adders, Look-ahead carry generator.
UNIT 3: Linear wave shaping circuits Linear wave shaping circuits, Bistable, Monostable & Astable multivibrator, Schmitt Trigger circuits & Schmitt-Nand gates. Logic families:RTL, DTL, All types of TTL circuits, ECL, I2L, PMOS, NMOS, & CMOS logic, Gated flip- flops and gated multivibrator, Interfacing between TTL to MOS.
UNIT 4: Encoders, Decoders Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Introduction to various semiconductor memories, & designing with ROM and PLA. Introduction to Shift Registers, Counters, Synchronous & Asynchronous counters, Designing of combinational circuits like code converters.
UNIT 5: Introduction to converters Introduction of Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog converters, sample & hold circuits and V-F converters.


  1. To study and test of operation of all logic gates for various IC's.
  2. Verification of Demorgan's theorm.
  3. To construct of half adder and full adder.
  4. To construct of half subtractor and full subtractor.
  5. Verification of versatility of NAND gate.
  6. Verification of versatility of NOR gate.
  7. Designing and verification of property of full adder.
  8. Design A BCD to excess-3 code conveter.
  9. Design a Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.
  10. Design of counters.
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IIST - 2nd Year - Electronic Devices and Circuits



UNIT 1: Semiconductor devices Semiconductor devices, theory of P-N junction, temperature dependence and break down characteristics, junction capacitances. Zener diode, Varactor diode, PIN diode, LED, Photo diode, Transistors BJT, FET, MOSFET, types, working principal, characteristics, and region of operation, load line biasing method. Transistor as an amplifier, gain, bandwidth, frequency response, Type of amplifier.
UNIT 2: Feedback amplifier Feedback amplifier, negative feedback, voltage-series, voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback, Sinusoidal oscillators, L-C (Hartley-Colpitts) oscillators, RC phase shift, Wien bridge, and Crystal oscillators. Power amplifiers, class A, class B, class A B, C amplifiers, their efficiency and power Dissipation.
UNIT 3: Switching characteristics of diode Switching characteristics of diode and transistor turn ON, OFF time, reverse recovery time, transistor as switch, Multivibrators, Bistable, Monostable, Astable multivibarators. Clippers and clampers, Differential amplifier, calculation of differential, common mode gain and CMRR using hparameters.
UNIT 4: Operational amplifier Operational amplifier characteristics, slew rate, full power bandwidth, offset voltage, bias current, application ,inverting , non inverting amplifier , summer, differentiator, integrator, differential amplifier , instrumentation amplifier, log and antilog amplifier , voltage to current and current to voltage converters , comparators Schmitt trigger .
UNIT 5: Introduction to IC Introduction to IC, Advantages and limitations, IC classification, production process of monolithic IC, fabrication of components on monolithic IC, IC packing, general integrated circuit technology, photolithographic process, un polar IC’s, IC symbols.
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IIST - 2nd Year - Electronic Devices and Circuits

UNIT 1: Semiconductor devices Semiconductor devices, theory of P-N junction, temperature dependence and break down characteristics, junction capacitances. Zener diode, Varactor diode, PIN diode, LED, Photo diode, Transistors BJT, FET, MOSFET, types, working principal, characteristics, and region of operation, load line biasing method. Transistor as an amplifier, gain, bandwidth, frequency response, Type of amplifier.
UNIT 2: Feedback amplifier Feedback amplifier, negative feedback, voltage-series, voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback, Sinusoidal oscillators, L-C (Hartley-Colpitts) oscillators, RC phase shift, Wien bridge, and Crystal oscillators. Power amplifiers, class A, class B, class A B, C amplifiers, their efficiency and power Dissipation.
UNIT 3: Switching characteristics of diode Switching characteristics of diode and transistor turn ON, OFF time, reverse recovery time, transistor as switch, Multivibrators, Bistable, Monostable, Astable multivibarators. Clippers and clampers, Differential amplifier, calculation of differential, common mode gain and CMRR using hparameters.
UNIT 4: Operational amplifier Operational amplifier characteristics, slew rate, full power bandwidth, offset voltage, bias current, application ,inverting , non inverting amplifier , summer, differentiator, integrator, differential amplifier , instrumentation amplifier, log and antilog amplifier , voltage to current and current to voltage converters , comparators Schmitt trigger .
UNIT 5: Introduction to IC Introduction to IC, Advantages and limitations, IC classification, production process of monolithic IC, fabrication of components on monolithic IC, IC packing, general integrated circuit technology, photolithographic process, un polar IC’s, IC symbols.
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CDGI - 3rd Year - Computer Graphics & multimedia - (CGMM)

  Syllabus UNIT 1: Introduction to Raster Scan displays Introduction to Raster Scan displays, Pixels, Frame buffer, Vector & Character...